Friday, March 18, 2011


If you have a desire to write an “End of the World” novel, you need look no farther than the disaster in Japan as your starting point. While I do not think it is going to develop that way, it easily could.

A physical plot might follow the line that this was the beginning of a series of natural disasters, all related to one another by the Earth adjusting to the movement of the first plate, then the next and the next and so on until all of the plates are in movement. Somewhere during this series of events the Earth would begin to shake and tear apart throwing pieces out into space, until it finally ended in many small pieces or regained its equilibrium at some point as a smaller planet. However, by then, most, if not all, of mankind would have perished.

A  financial disaster plot is more likely to happen and we actually may be witnessing the beginning. Unless the World Economies realize the possible disaster facing us and act together to resurrect Japan’s economy, Japan might fail. Japan’s loss is our loss, they are one of our most trusted and dependable allies and our countries economies are so intertwined that we will lose a large part of the market for our products and a major part of our imports. They buy what we produce and we in turn buy from them. If we both topple, most of our other major trading partners will lose a great deal of their own markets and face economic disaster also.

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