Sunday, December 19, 2010

How To Destroy Democracy!!!!

It is very easy if you are a Democrat.

1 Elect a liberal for president.

2 Give him whatever he asks for.

3 Pass laws that bind the hands of any opposition.

4 Destroy the credibility of all opposition.

5 Sit back and enjoy the fruits of your corruption.

6 Blame the Republicans for anything that goes wrong.


Monday, December 13, 2010


Fried Green Tomatoes

Slice the tomatoes, dip in buttermilk, dredge in cornmeal then fry in hot oil a few at a time. When fried put onto a paper towel in the preheated oven to keep warm.

Are they worth doing? Not really, but they are a good conversational thing to know about.

Raw cubed green tomatoes with a little chopped onion, some vinegar, a drop of hot sauce and some salad oil make a nice condiment or an addition to a hamburger. When I worked at Sequoia National Park one summer, one of the janitors I worked with had been a cook with a circus and this was his recipe.

If you grow dill, you should harvest the seeds by hanging the heads that form, in a paper bag to catch the seeds. They can be used in your cooking as a flavoring, but go lightly as they are pretty strong and some people, like your mother, don’t like the flavor.

Purple salvia is a very pleasant little flower to grow as an edging along the sides of your lawn or even along the edges of your garden. The aren’t something to eat, just a hardy little color.

Here are some other flowers you might like to try as they are all eay to grow and are pleasant to see.

Margarite daisies



To quick peel tomatoes, score with a knife from top to bottom on four sides, then dip into boiling water for a moment, plunge into cold water, then peel. They improve any salad.