Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hidden Agenda

When I read what some of our government employees have to say about different subjects, I tend to wonder how they ever were elected. I suppose they are masters at hiding their own ignorance and anything they don’t want you to know about them. This is not the problem of one party, it is most elected officials.The new GOP leader in the Assembly has found the key to job creation. He said that the President should keep job creation as his number one job. What about the war in Afghanistan, the economy? Instead he thinks he should focus on jobs. “Jobs here, jobs now, jobs first.” Since when can the government create jobs, unless it is something like the WPA or the CCC? Of I forgot, they can hire more interns. Just don’t let Bill Clinton in on it. Obama’s amazing turn around.“I can do it without the Republicans.” Now he says, “We must take our time and finalize healthcare and it must be bipartisan . That is ominous, what does he mean by finalize? Destroy what is now in place, because that is what a government plan will do. We have a great system right now and don’t need any government intervention. Recently I became really sick during the night and called an ambulance, they were here within ten minutes and took me to the hospital of my choice. Medicare and AARP paid for all of it. What more could I have wanted?

Let me share some things that happened to me at the hospital the first time I went. I arrived on a stretcher and they took me right into a room to wait for the doctor. The next time they wanted the stretcher, so I had to sit in the guest waiting room. After about half an hour I went to the window and asked the girl how long I would have to wait and she told me about four hours. I left the window, then after a few minutes I went back. I told her I was sick and was going home so I could go back to bed. She told me to come in and put me in a room to wait for a doctor. The lesson is obvious, “act now.”

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