Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tuesday January 12, 2010

It appears that SD is going to get some rain by the weekend, at least that is the prediction, but I won’t make any guesses. I have to see it before I believe it.

Right now it is sunny and warm with a few white wisps of clouds in the sky.

I was reading California Agriculture a free magazine published by University of California. It is a Quarterly magazine that of course devotes itself to agricultural issues.

I first started reading it many years ago and have found it really very interesting in that it covers most fazes of agriculture, research, what is new, what is experimental, what works, natural and human resources. The current issue has articles on health of workers, verticillium wilt, sugar pines, apple moth, depression among low-income workers, airborn particles risks, diabetes among farm workers, strawberry breeding, wine grape production and much more. If you are interested, I will be happy to loan you my copy, or you can subscribe to it at hhtp://



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