Saturday, January 30, 2010

HIV and Aids

All the talk about HIV and Aids seems such a waste of time when there is such a simple solution to the problem. Don’t have sex until you are married and don’t get married until you are both tested.


All the fear of the Demon craps for Sarah Palin is pathetic. Why don’t they admit their choice for president is a flop, just as I could have told them he would be. He had a plan on how to become president, but never gave a thought to what he would do if he won. His plan was to copy Regan. Being black helped him with the de3mocrats and the clueless hordes that call themselves independents, because they either don’t know good from evil or they are afraid to take sides  and he was black, not because he was presidential material. Now that he is there he hasn’t a clue as to what to do and goes to Biden another failure to direct him. It reminds me of Clinton caught with his pants down seeking help from Jackson who was later caught in the same position

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